Flexible Schedule
Gym Membership
If you have an unpredictable or quickly-changing schedule and want the capacity to schedule a workout whenever it’s convenient for you, use our flex package gym membership.
Choose the number of Semi-Private Personal Training sessions you want in your Flex Package:
10 sessions 25 sessions 45 sessions 75 sessions
Every time you come in, you will use one (1) session from your Flex Package
Use the package of sessions before their expiration 12 months from your purchase date
Sign up for our flex package membership option for access to:
Our 6,000 square foot facility with workout space and a separate area for machines like treadmills, ellipticals, incline trainers, and rowers
Personalized and specific workouts tailored to meet your unique situation and desired outcome
Professional fitness, nutrition, and accountability coaching from our certified team
If your schedule is fixed and you’d rather commit to a set number of sessions each month, head over to our Monthly Membership page.
Interested in more information about our flexible gym membership? Contact us online or call 608.831.2673 today to schedule a tour or begin your 21-Day Jumpstart Program.